Looking for a top tier chess school in South Australia? Look no further than Chess School SA!

Chess School of South Australia
Chess School SA is one of the finest chess schools located in South Australia. They provide chess coaching services to students throughout the Adelaide metropolitan area, as well as chess in school programs in various South Australian Country schools. They supply chess sets, boards, pieces, books, and other equipment to individuals, schools, and organizations so that all students need to worry about bringing to class is their minds and their willingness to learn!
It does help to have access to a chess set at home to practice on in between lessons, though. If you don’t have one yet, you can buy one from the Chess School SA online shop.
Meet Mato Jelic
Jelic is the author of two chess books: The King Hunt and From Chess Novice to Advanced Player in 7 Days. He also produces YouTube lectures on a variety of chess topics. He has achieved an Australian Chess Federation (ACF) rating of 2091, or a 2100 rapid rating.

Mato Jelic
Other Teachers at Chess School South Australia
Mato Jelic is the main teacher, but not the only one at Chess School SA. He is joined by skilled teachers and coaches like Suzi Jelic, Stjepan Sinkovic, Edgar Mdinaradze, and Don Whyatt. All of these coaches have current working with children checks and carry public liability insurance. They are also all equally committed to providing top quality chess education to each and every student under their care.
Chess School South Australia Programs
Chess School SA’s main focus is on teaching at chess in schools program. This is important to the organization as a whole because of the many proven benefits playing chess can have on developing minds. Starting chess at a young age can instill valuable skills in children that they will use for the rest of their lives, including but not limited to:

Chess School SA’s main focus is on teaching at chess in schools program
● Focus
● Creative thinking
● Problem solving
● Patience
● Thinking ahead
● Concentration
● Visualizing
● Analysis
● Critical thinking
● Abstract thinking
● And many more!
The format of each lesson usually starts with a 15 minute chunk of time at the beginning of the session dedicated to teaching on the day’s topic. Each lesson focuses on a particular theme, idea, or strategy, depending upon the skill level of the class. After the structured lesson portion is over, the children will engage in monitored games against each other, tournament style. There will also be time to play social chess variants, if desired. Prizes and certificates are awarded at various points throughout the year to keep kids interested and invested in their own success.
Private Lessons with Chess School South Australia
In addition to its chess in schools programs, Chess School SA also offers private lessons for students who want to explore topics of interest in greater depth or otherwise move at their own speed. In private lessons, each student receives the full attention of their chess coach, so he or she can offer unparalleled, personalized insight into the student’s individual strengths and weaknesses and make tailored recommendations.
As a general rule, students enrolled in private lessons will be able to strengthen their chess game substantially faster than students who are enrolled in a group class. Private, one on one chess coaching is the best way to receive individual feedback on your unique play style and achieve fast improvement.
Free Chess Lessons on the MatoJelic YouTube Channel
It’s true, free lessons are available directly from Mato Jelic of Chess School SA! He offers lectures on chess basics and example games on his YouTube channel, MatoJelic. Devoted fans say that their ratings have increased by 100 to even 300 points after watching his videos! That’s an amazing increase from a free resource.
Of course, the YouTube videos cannot offer you personalized instruction like one on one coaching can. Jelic says that the people who will be able to get the most benefit out of his YouTube video series are people with a rating of 2000 elo or lower. After you surpass that level, it’s best to seek out traditional instruction. Trust us, it will be well worth the cost!
Many of the free YouTube lessons on the MatoJelic channel focus on the games of several famous chess players, and many of Jelic’s personal favorites, such as Jose Capablanca, Mikhail Tal, and Bobby Fischer. There are also lessons about specific chess positions, openings, defenses, and other basics that will be invaluable for new players to learn about. It’s quite a popular channel, with over 120,000 subscribers and an extensive back catalog of videos, so you could spend quite a bit of time just catching up on all of that!
Free Resources From Chess School South Australia
In addition to the free chess lessons on the MatoJelic YouTube channel, Chess School SA also generously offers a number of free resources on its website. These include a number of free training exercises as well as a number of resources designed to help you start your own chess club including scoring sheets, round robin tournament system documents, FIDE rules lists, attendance sheets, and much more. Check it out on the website in the “Free Resources” section.
Chess School South Australia Shop
There are some books, software, and other resources for sale on the Chess School SA website as well. These materials include the two chess books that Mato Jelic authored himself, chess sets, chess clocks, chess software, and other equipment. There are some great products for sale there that would be handy to have for at home practice in between lessons.
Final Thoughts on Chess School SA
Chess School SA is a fine chess school, and one of the best in Australia. Players from all over the world can benefit from their generosity in hosting a number of free resources, training exercises, and even video lessons that can help novice players up their skill level without a large financial investment.
We recommend that you check out the free resources first and see if you enjoy the teaching style they display. Then, once your chess skill outgrows them, sign yourself up for some one on one private lessons. You don’t need to be located anywhere near Adelaide, South Australia to do this, since private coaching is also offered online, though the time zones may prove a bit tricky!
Contact Information:
Chess School SA website: Chessschool.com.au
Email: admin@chessschool.com.au
Phone number: 08 81826975
Mobile: 0435 062 283
Fax: 08 81826975
Address: P.O. Box 314 Salisbury SA 5108 South Australia
- Chess School: Great Chess Schools around the world.
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